Best vitamin C

Best Vitamin C

 The passage gives a brief Idea of what are uses of Best Vitamin C.

What is Vitamin C?

 Vitamin C capsules your go-to when the pain sniffles come?

Loading up onto  this vitamin was a general practice spurred by Linus Pauling  a double Nobel prize winner and also a self-proclaimed champion of the vitamin C who also promoted the daily mega doses (the amount in 12 to 24 oranges) as a proper way to prevent this cold and also some chronic diseases. (Rock, C.L., Jacob, R.A. and Bowen, P.E., 1996)

Vitamin C capsules, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. This means that it is able to get dissolved in the water and is also delivered to the body’s tissues but is not well stored, so it must be taken daily through all the food or supplements. Even before its discovery in 1932, these nutrition experts recognized that something present in the citrus fruits could only prevent scurvy, a disease that has killed as many as two million sailors. (Bendich, A., Machlin, L.J., Scandurra, O., Burton, G.W. and Wayner, D.D.M., 1986. )

Alternative medicine Vitamin C capsules also play an efficient role in then controlling infections and also for healing wounds, and are a powerful antioxidant that can be neutralized the harmful present free radicals. It is also needed to make collagen, a fibrous protein in the connective tissue that is weaved throughout various systems in the body: nervous, immune, bone, cartilage, blood, and others. This vitamin also helps to make several hormones and chemical messengers used in the brain and nerves.

While this mega dosing on this vitamin is not very uncommon, how much is an max optimum amount needed to keep you healthy and also could be taking too much to be the  counterproductive. ( Trout, D.L., 1991)

Vitamin c Capsules

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Ingredients of Vitamin C Capsules:

It involves the extract of alternative medicine Vitamin C along with other solutions Microcrystalline Cellulose, Stearic Acid, Colloidal Silicon Dioxide, and Magnesium Stearate.

Benefits and Uses of Vitamin C capsules

1. May also reduce your risk of chronic disease.
Capsules are considered to be a powerful antioxidant that can help in strengthening your body’s natural defenses. These Antioxidants are the molecules that also boost the immune system. They also do so by protecting the cells from harmful molecules which are called free radicals. When these free radicals accumulate at a location, then they can promote a state known as oxidative stress, which has been linked to many chronic diseases (3Trusted Source). So take Vitamin C. (Etminan, M., Gill, S.S. and Samii, A., 2005.)

2. May also help to manage the high blood pressure
Approximately one-third of American adults have this high blood pressure.
This High blood pressure also puts you at risk of heart disease, then leading to a cause of death globally.
Studies have shown that vitamin C may also help to lower blood pressure in both those cases with and without high blood pressure.

3. May help to lower your risk of the heart disease
Heart disease is the major leading cause of death worldwide.
So Many factors increase the risk of heart disease, including high blood pressure, high triglyceride or LDL (bad) or cholesterol levels, and low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.
Vitamin C may also help to reduce these risk factors, which may also reduce the heart disease risk. So buy Vitamin C capsules. (Halliwell, B., 2001.)

4. May help in reducing blood uric acid levels and also help to prevent gout attacks
Gout is a type of arthritis that affects approximately 4% of American adults.
It is incredibly painful and it involves the inflammation of the joints, especially for those of the big toes. People with some gout experience swelling and also sudden and severe attacks of pain.

5. Helps to prevent the iron deficiency
Iron is a very important nutrient that also has a variety of functions in the body. It is very essential for making these red blood cells and also transporting oxygen throughout the body. (Byers, T. and Guerrero, N., 1995 )


The recommended daily amount for the vitamin C is 75 milligrams (mg) per day for women and also 90 mg a day for men, The capsules can be taken with the water.

Side Effects of Vitamin C

When consumed by mouth:

The capsule is likely to be safe for most people. In some people, this vitamin C might also cause side effects such as stomach cramps, nausea, heartburn, and headache. The chance of getting one of these side effects also tends to increase with higher doses. Taking more than 2000 mg daily is only possibly unsafe and may also cause kidney stones and also severe diarrhea. In some people who have had a kidney stone, taking amounts substances which are greater than 1000 mg daily also increases the risk of getting more kidney stones.

When its applied to the skin:

 Capsule is likely to be safe for most of the people. It might also cause irritation and tingling.

Related Warnings Vitamin C

Pregnancy and breast-feeding Moms:

Capsules are likely safe to take by mouth also during pregnancy in amounts no greater than 2000 mg daily for those 19 years and older and 1800 mg daily for those 14-18 years old. Taking too much vitamin C during pregnancy can also cause problems for the newborn baby. Vitamin C is possibly unsafe when taken by mouth in excessive amounts.

Infants and other children:

  The capsule is also likely to be safe when it’s consumed by the mouth appropriately. This Vitamin C is possibly unsafe when taken by mouth in amounts higher.

Alcohol use disorder:

People who regularly consume alcohol also, especially those who have other illnesses, often also have this vitamin C deficiency. These people might also need to be treated for a longer time than normal to restore their vitamin C levels to normal.


This Vitamin C capsule also plays an important role in the body. It is much needed to maintain the health of skin, cartilage, teeth, bone, and blood vessels.

The recommended daily dosage for the amount for vitamin C is  usually75 milligrams.

The Skin benefits of vitamin C also demonstrates that a few clinical studies have shown that vitamin C can improve wrinkles.

You can also read –Vitamin C health benefit

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