Health Benefits Of Amla Juice

Health Benefits of Amla Juice

 Describes what is an Amla Fruit, and how it looks and tastes like. And discusses all the possible health benefits of amla juice.

You must have heard this famous phrase before “Bitter is better”. Isn’t this what we have heard our parents, and grandparents have said? Eat more vegetables like bitter gourd, kale, sprouts, and radishes as they are fully packed with abundant health benefits.

Well, have you heard of another such beneficial and superfood like Amla or the Indian Gooseberry?

Amla is a somewhat green-colored translucent fruit that has derived its name from the Sanskrit word ‘Amlaki’ which means the “nectar of life”. Amla is also famous in India for its many other health benefits and also has the quality to treat countless ailments. Ayurveda also claims that this amla can balance the three doshas or disorders in our body, namely: the Kapha, Vata, and pitta, thereby eliminating the underlying main cause of the many diseases and disorders. ( Yadav, S.S., Singh, M.K., Singh, P.K. and Kumar, V., 2017.)

Amla Juice

With the growing recognition of the value of herbs, it is surely time to examine the professional therapeutic use of these herbs.

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Health Benefits of Amla Juice

1. Immunity Booster:

Amla fruit contains eight times more Vitamin C than an orange fruit has, it has twice the antioxidant power of the acai berry and 17 times that of a pomegranate. No wonder Amla is called a superfood!

The Vitamin C content of the Amla fruit makes it an excellent source for your immunity building and also metabolism. It is also known to fight both viral and bacterial ailments efficiently and thereby reducing the impact of various health problems such as cancer and heart-related disorders.

2. Fights Infections and helps in preventing Chest Congestion

Since this Amla fruit as well as the health benefits of amla juice is a wonderful source for then improving your immunity, amla powder also benefits the body during viral and also bacterial infections as well as while fighting the common cold.

Alternative medicine Health benefits of Amla Juice when in Powder form when mixed with two teaspoons of honey also provide relief from cough and cold and also when it is consumed around three to four times a day. This Amla also aids in the removal of waste discharge from the respiratory tract and can also soothe inflamed airways. Therefore this Amla fruit is used to provide relief from disorders like bronchitis, cough, and also other respiratory illnesses.

3. Helps against constipation

The alkaline nature of this Amla fruit health benefits of Amla Juice is also known to then clear and strengthen the digestive system. The higher fiber content of Amla is excellent for the digestive system as it cures constipation.

The Health benefits of alternative medicine amla juice also contain these anti-inflammatory properties and therefore when it is dried Amla powder can be used to then cure hyperacidity and also prevent stomach ulcers.

4. Weight Management

This Amla juice has certain benefits for people who still are struggling to manage their weight as it helps to aid digestion and also improves the metabolism. There are many several benefits of eating this amla on empty stomach and also many people also use amla for weight loss.

Health benefits of Amla Juice when with a pinch of salt and pepper can also aid in curbing your appetite as it keeps you full for longer durations. It can also help the body to absorb nutrients and act as a natural laxative due to its high fiber content.

5. Purifies the Blood

One of the major health benefits of Amla Juice is that it contains Vitamin C content which makes the blood vessel feel stronger and also thicker. Amla fruit also acts as an antioxidant agent and efficiently detoxifies the body’s health benefits of amla juice. Amla powder when mixed with a tablespoon of honey or jaggery can also act as a great natural blood purifier and can also increase your hemoglobin when taken regularly.

Amla Juice

With the growing recognition of the value of herbs, it is surely time to examine the professional therapeutic use of these herbs.

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