Vitamin C Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin C Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin C is a very essential nutrient that must be consumed on a regular basis to prevent vitamin C deficiency symptoms

While this deficiency is relatively rare in some developed countries due to the availability of the fresh produce and the addition of vitamin C to certain foods and supplements, it still affects most roughly 7% of adults in the US. (Ravindran, P., Wiltshire, S., Das, K. and Wilson, R.B., 2018.)

The most common Symptoms of the risk factors for vitamin C deficiency are the poor diet, alcoholism, anorexia, severe mental illness, smoking and dialysis as well. Low vitamin c symptoms

While the Vitamin C deficiency symptoms can even take months to develop, there are some other subtle signs to watch out for lack of vitamin c symptoms ,Here are the  most   common signs of Low vitamin C symptoms

Vitamin c deficiency symptoms

1. Rough and uneven Bumpy Skin

The Vitamin C capsule also plays a key role in collagen production, a protein that is very abundant in connective tissues like skin, hair, joints, bones, and blood vessels.

When these vitamin C levels are low, a skin condition known as keratosis pilaris can also be developed. Best price vitamin C buy now.

In this condition, this bumpy “chicken skin” also forms on the back of the upper arms, thighs, or buttocks due to a buildup of the keratin protein inside the pores.

This Keratosis pilaris which is caused by alternative medicine vitamin C deficiency typically appears after three to five months of inadequate intake and resolves with supplementation. Best price vitamin c get it.

However, there are also many other potential causes of this keratosis pilaris, so it’s the presence itself alone is not enough to diagnose a deficiency. (Johnston, C.S. and Thompson, L.L., 1998.)

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2. Un-Shaped Body Hair

Vitamin C deficiency may also cause the hair to grow in a bent or the coiled shapes due to the defects that develop in the protein structure of the hair as it grows .

Corkscrew-shaped of the hair is one of the hallmark signs of the vitamin C deficiency but may not be obvious, as some of these damaged hairs are more likely to break off or even fall out. Alternative medicine Best price vitamin C

These Hair abnormalities may often help to resolve within one month of treatment with adequate amounts of vitamin C . (Card, D.J., 2019.)

3. Brighten Red Hair Follicles

The Hair follicles which are on the surface of the skin may contain many tiny blood vessels that supply blood and nutrients to the area.

When the body is deficient in alternative medicine vitamin C, these small blood vessels become fragile and even break easily which even causes some small, bright red spots to appear around the hair follicles.

This is also known as perifollicular hemorrhage and a well-documented sign of severe vitamin C deficiency.

Consume these vitamin C supplements typically to resolve the symptom within two weeks. Best price vitamin C buys now.

4. Spooky Fingernails With Red Spots or Lines

These are Spoon-shaped nails which are characterized by their concave shape and are often thin and brittle.

They are more commonly associated with iron deficiency anemia but have also been linked to vitamin C.

The Red spots or the vertical lines in the nail bed which is known as the splinter hemorrhage may also appear during this vitamin C deficiency due to weakened blood vessels that rupture easily.

5. Dry and Damaged Skin

Healthy skin contains a large amount of vitamin C, especially in the epidermis, or outer layer of skin.

This Vitamin C also keeps the skin healthy by protecting it from oxidative damage caused by the sun and exposure to pollutants like cigarette smoke.

It also helps in promoting collagen production, which helps to keep the skin looking plump and youthful.

High intakes of alternative medicine vitamin C are mostly associated with better skin quality, While dry and damaged skin can be super linked to vitamin C deficiency, it can also be brought about by numerous different elements, so this side effect alone isn’t sufficient to analyze an inadequacy

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